Over the course of 12 weeks, we had talked about various topics which I felt were necessary for my personal development. During the course of each session, there was always something new that I discovered about myself and the filling of the reflection form always gave me the opportunity to re-visualize the conversations and think about the new awareness that was created and how I can develop myself.

Coach’s interventions and thoughts were always insightful and resourceful. I was always relaxed during the conversations. I would like to say that one can never expect how questions can make him/her realize things he/she should think about carefully. The person who starts the conversation is not the same person who leaves the conversation.

These are a few things I would like to share from my sessions: Reflection always gives us an idea of how things are and what next the plan entails. It also gives us the chance to note down weakness and strengths. Communication is complex because we are diverse. It is a form that defines who we are as a person but it could also prevent or block us from understanding others. Development does not just come from within, it also comes from outside.

In summary, the time invested in this program was worth-while. To anyone willing to participate in the program, I would say that you need to be a co-creator with the coach in order to have a flow and experience the DRIVE process. I am very grateful to Miss Lee for this opportunity.

Deborah Martin

Scholarship Recipient, 2019

I was given the opportunity to reflect deeply on the things that truly mattered to me without feeling constrained. When I look back at how I was during my first coaching session to how I am now, I truly thank Mrs. Lee for giving me a safe atmosphere to learn and become more aware of myself. Through this self-awareness, I have become more at peace with myself because I now have a wider understanding of who I am and what I am capable of doing. Every experience and knowledge gained from the coaching session has been more than worth it and I can confidently say I'm not that girl who use to let doubts determine her life. Thank you, Mrs. Lee, for this journey.

Nadia Esi Berchtenbreiter

Scholarship Recipient 2019

I have discovered that personal development is a deliberate process which when you commit yourself to it can be attainable.

Firstly I have realigned that the process of development is about focusing on yourself first before you express your development path to others. I have revisioned to commit myself to daily personal development other waiting for training or someone to motivate me. Secondly I have revisioned to breakdown my goals into smaller daily attainable steps I should work on to achieve the ultimate goal, have innovated in coming up with a weekly plan of activities to achieve my weekly goals.

The whole program gave responsibility to me to come up with areas of development, and also the solution where coming from me and I would commit myself to execute the set of actions I have come up with, with coach assisting me to continuously work on my daily/weekly activities. The process had some challenges on execution as I can say I did not do 100% of what I would have set for myself, and the changes didn’t come instantly. However, I completed much of my tasks.

I am continuously using the techniques I have learnt from the coaching sessions and consciously set challenges target for myself. There will be always something to develop on as I progress with life and I will continuously refer to the techniques I have learnt.

I would like to recommend ACBC Coaching session to my fellow Zimbabweans who are also studying here in Korea.

Kudzai Shamba

Scholarship Recipient, 2019

Africa Insight is an international civil society organization based in Seoul, established in 2013. I am Steven Heo, the founder, and CEO of the organization. As a result of team coaching journey we have been taking for the past 3 years with Coach Jaung Ah LEE our staffs have gained reflective perspectives of the past, present and the future, we have deepened our understanding and trust for each other within the organization which enabled us to be directed towards co-creation of the organizational vision and purpose and lastly each team member and managers have gained a safe sense of belonging which propels to further growth as leaders.

We first started the team coaching sessions with coach Jaung Ah LEE in October 2017. As I reflect, I was not aware of the true meaning and impact of coaching when we first started. However, as we continued the coaching sessions, I can confidently say coaching has become an essential culture of the team and the organization to cultivate relationship, trust and understanding deeply of many aspects especially on empowering and capacity building.

As a young organization, we are facing many issues and problems which is not easy to deal with. Team coaching enabled us to learn from each other. As a result, we always found a new insight and wisdom to the way forward from each coaching session. Hence, we hugely appreciate and value the co-creation energy, safe space, discoveries we get from team coaching sessions. We at Africa Insight would like to strongly recommend you start a team coaching journey with Ms. Jaung Ah LEE.

Steven Heo, Founder and CEO at Africa Insight.

August 2020

I fully endorse Ms. Jaung Ah Lee as a team coach. She offers realistic, insightful, and effective approaches for assisting people in advancing their goals. I enlisted Ms. Lee's help as a team with my colleagues for leadership coaching. To take our association (GHASKA) to new heights, we required knowledge and skills to establish effective communication skills and compelling leadership talents. Ms. Lee was quick to recognize and prune the branches of noise from our conversation, allowing us to refocus on crucial and practical matters. Finally, I together with my co-leaders took action in response to our talk, and I am grateful for the opportunity. Her work ethic and determination are remarkable.

Richard Boateng Nti, GHASKA Vice President


I feel incredibly fortunate to have been a part of the Africa Capacity Building Community coaching program with Coach Lee over the past few months. Throughout the program, my coach posed some truly thought-provoking questions that led me to gain new insights about myself. This further resulted in a continuous trail of self-reflection that has changed my attitude toward life.

I have developed numerous new behaviors throughout the ACBC program. One is a change in the method of my conversations with all types of relationship engagements. It required me to reflect deeply and overcome constant negatively inclined thoughts that may have hindered my progress. I learned that trust is essential in building social relationships; I experimented with a new understanding of the different possibilities of offending and not offending others while being true to myself and my values. By changing my conversational patterns, I obtained new positions, certificates and created new networks I wouldn't have pursued otherwise. A few of the new networks created for my development were even further attained directly through the ACBC itself. Additionally, I have started journaling my immediate plans in smaller steps, which has helped me stay focused and motivated toward my goals. I had been ignorant of how much having clear and visual thoughts would boost my discipline and motivation toward achieving my goals. I was continually surprised, and sometimes even bewildered, at how this coaching platform of deep conversations and brainstorming challenged me to take different perspectives on things that I previously thought were trivial in my life or even about myself.

When I signed up for the coaching program, I was at a stage of feeling unsure and scattered in mind about my sense of direction and plans in life. After completing it, however, I feel much more confident and self-aware. In addition to the self-capacity building coaching sessions, I also had the privilege of receiving some much-needed spiritual guidance.

I am convinced that the flexibility and structure of the ACBC coaching program, alongside the safe and encouraging atmosphere provided by Coach Lee, is an experience that anyone looking for clarity about themselves, their life direction or plans, for finding that extra source of confidence, or a platform to learn to build new habits and perspectives about their life should consider.

Obed Osei

August, 2023

My name is Alyn. I had the privilege of attending three transformative coaching sessions with ACBC Coaching under the guidance of Coach Jaung Ah Lee. These sessions focused on managing stress, strategic thinking, and effective teamwork. The improvement I've experienced has been remarkable, both personally and professionally.

Managing Stress:
Before the coaching sessions, stress was a constant companion. Coach Lee introduced practical techniques to handle stress and mindfulness exercises. She helped me realize that my stress stemmed from constantly worrying about the future, which disrupted my ability to enjoy the present. From that moment, I decided to start living in the moment and stop worrying about the future. Since then, I have seen a significant reduction in my stress levels. Even when I do face stress, I manage it differently. For instance, when I encounter a challenging situation, instead of being trapped in the "why," I focus on finding solutions and asking, "what can I do to improve?"

Strategic Thinking:
Coach Lee's insights on strategic thinking have been invaluable. She provided clear frameworks that helped me approach problems more systematically and make better decisions. My ability to think strategically has improved, leading to more effective planning and execution in my projects. A good example is how her techniques helped me refine a project proposal I was drafting. I was able to bring different partners on board and add various innovations and creative elements in the project proposal.

Effective Teamwork:
One of the most impactful areas was teamwork. Coach Lee supported me to realize the importance of clear communication, active listening, and collaboration. Since then, I have seen my team's cohesion and efficiency improve. We started working together more effectively, dividing responsibilities while considering each colleague's expertise, strengths, and weaknesses. My take was that "The leader's role is not to bring weaker colleagues down or expose them but to help them grow".

Coach Lee is not only knowledgeable but also an exceptionally skilled communicator. Her ability to listen, her supportive approach that pushes the coachee to think outside the box, coupled with her ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms, made all three sessions enjoyable. What I love most about her is her simplicity, which makes everyone feel safe and confident to express themselves. She doesn't rely on old slogans or generic mentorship; instead, she supports you in thinking through your ideas and then refining them together.

I highly recommend ACBC Coaching and Coach Lee to anyone looking to improve their professional skills and overall well-being. Thank you, Coach Lee, for your dedication and expertise!



About ACBC

Africa Capacity Building Community (ACBC) is an organization that supports African communities by building their capacity through coaching. ACBC 2018 Program provided $38,000 and $29,000 scholarship in 2019 in the form of Capacity Building Coaching to African communities for personal and organizational growth and development.

Who are African communities?

We define “African communities” as communities in Africa and in Korea. At an organizational level, ACBC provides coaching to Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs) that focus on supporting the development and growth of Africa. At an individual level, ACBC provides coaching to African students studying in Korea.

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